Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy 1st Anniversary!

Alhamdulillah 15 May 2009 genap setahun secret recipe tmn melati dibuka. Suka duka dan macam-macam lagi cabaran dan dugaan. Ramai staff yang dah berhenti dan ada juga yang masih setia especially Dean, Shuk dan Wan. Apa-apa pun Happy Anniversary to staff yang masih setia, to Siti and KY and to myself.

1 comment:

  1. Mother Teresa once said: "we are not called to be successful; we are called to be faithful." At the end of your life, when it's all said and done; do you want people to regard you as having been successful or having been faithful? Success is defined by so many people in so many different ways.

    For some, success is measured by how much money one has in their bank account. For others, success is measured by how many books one has published or how many college degrees one has earned. Still, for others, success is measured by one's popularity or fame... So, if one does not manage to have a fat bank account; or, if one does not publish a book or earn a degree; or, if one does not achieve notoriety and fame, does this mean that one is a failure?

    On the other hand, the concept of being faithful is not so arbitrary. For being "faithful" means only one thing, namely, to be firm in keeping a promise or to be steadfast in loyalty. One may be faithful whether one is "successful" or not. One can be heroically faithful to their spouse; faithful to their family; faithful to a cause; faithful to one's call to be a mother, father, writer, teacher, pastor, artist, friend, among many other things without being "successful".

    Some may say that the ideal situation is to be "successful" and "faithful". But, in the end, it seems to me that life is not about how many awards one receives or how much one owns and possesses or how famous one may become. Rather, the quality of one's living; the courage of one's spirit; the kindness and generosity in one's heart and a heroic, undying faithfulness to love and goodness are the things that really matter! One who possesses such qualities may not be considered a "success" in the eyes of many. But such a person will be regarded by all as being a good and "faithful" servant.

    When you die and people gather at your funeral to pay their last respects, do you prefer to be remembered as having been "successful" or "faithful"?

    Happy Anniversary and may many happy returns cometh your way in the future.
